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June 23rd and 24th 2018



On June 23rd and 24th 2018 the Center for Financial Development and Stability (CFDS) at Henan University and the International Network for Economic Research (INFER), organized their 4th annual Workshop on Applied Macroeconomics hosted by Henan University.

With TTIP failing to gain popular support in Europe, and CETA only barely making its way through the European institutions, Trumps protectionist agenda threatening the very existence of NAFTA, and the uncertain conditions of the Brexit looming over Europe, the role of international macroeconomic links has a role in the spotlight of attention.
On the one hand, the developed economies in the Western hemisphere are looking at the more dynamic emerging markets (in particular China), hoping for impulses to their own economy. At the same time, a wave of protectionist sentiment seems to be sweeping over the globe.
Therefore, this year’s workshop will have a focus on international macroeconomics, especially topics relating to trade, exchange rate and capital market regulation. As always, we invite papers from all fields in applied macroeconomics, but papers matching those issues are particularly welcome.


2nd HenU / INFER Workshop on Applied Macroeconomics

18-19 March 2016, Henan (China)

jointly organized by

School of Economics of Henan University (HenU)

International Network for Economic Research (INFER)

Ever since the outbreak of the great financial crisis, economists have to face the question why our profession failed to foresee the crisis. Thus, our understanding of business cycles and our forecasting techniques have been subject to intense scrutiny, not only from outside the profession but mainly from inside. The consensus that emerged during the so called Great Moderation, that is now considered a brewing storm rather than a phase of prosperity, has crumbled. At the same time, with a potential structural break only a few years back, new challenges arose for the analysis and prediction of business cycle fluctuation. Therefore, it is more important than ever to work on the empirical understanding of the business cycle and to improve our toolbox for forecasting, in particular forecasting in ime of crisis and forecasting crisis.

On March 18th and 19th the School of Economics (HenU) and the International Network for Economic Research (INFER) devoted their second joint workshop on applied macroeconomics to these and related issues.


1st HenU /INFER Workshop on Applied Macroeconomics

18-19 March 2015, Henan (China)

jointly organized by

School of Economics of Henan University (HenU)

International Network for Economic Research (INFER)

On March 18th and 19th 2015 the School of Economics at Henan University (HenU) and the International Network for Economic Research (INFER) organized their first joint workshop on applied macroeconomics at the Kaifeng Zhongzhou International Hotel. The organizers welcomed more than 30 participants from China and the US, Germany, Spain, Serbia, Belgium, Switzerland, Japan, UK and Finland.


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